About Us

At LeadCap, we help our clients unlock the full potential of LinkedIn for lead generation and hands-off sales, through our innovative solution to an old problem.

How LeadCap Started.

10M Active Users Reached - Dataplus X Webflow Template

Present Success

Today, LeadCap serves clients from various industries, with a team working full-time to help B2B businesses achieve more sales.

1M Active Users Reached - Dataplus X Webflow Template

Growth and Evolution

Initially, everything was done manually, but as LeadCap gained traction, we began to build a more structured approach. After several months of trial and error, we finally grew confident enough to fully dedicate our time to build our platform.

Series A Funded - Dataplus X Webflow Template

Platform Development

Realizing the limitations of manual work, we transitioned to software optimization, which eventually evolved into LeadCap - a scalable and systemic solution for LinkedIn outreach and appointment setting.

Version 1.0 Launched - Dataplus X Webflow Template

Initial clients

We got our first clients while being full-time employees. Business owners sought our lead generation methods and we began showcasing our LinkedIn strategies. This led to our first clients.

Series A Funded - Dataplus X Webflow Template

Where it started

Working full-time at a tech startup, we were focused on various sales tasks, such as optimizing our LinkedIn accounts to generate sales.

Meet the Founders.

With a shared vision and expertise in LinkedIn outreach, we're driving innovation in lead generation.

Co-Founder & CEO

Victor Saul

Co-Founder & CSO

David Ivø

Co-Founder & COO

Albert Ahrenkiel

Start Selling More with Less Effort