Browse all our Features

Explore the full range of LeadCap's features and unlock the potential of your LinkedIn outreach. From automated connection requests to streamlined lead management, we've got everything you need to succeed. Dive in and discover how LeadCap can transform your approach to lead generation and sales.

The Best Platform for LinkedIn Lead Generation.

Warming leads up

Our unique strategy prioritizes genuine engagement over traditional cold outreach. By nurturing relationships and trust before pitching, we achieve higher conversion rates.

Auto follow-ups

Say goodbye to wasted follow-up time. Our automated, customizable system tailors follow-ups to your liking.

Performance Insights

Receive monthly insights, complete with exact figures, that you can effortlessly share and compare against your internal KPIs.

A Safe System.

Company and Name recognition

Our advanced name-cleaning algorithm ensures that your outreach appears personalized and human-like, achieving 99.8% accuracy with names and 97.9% accuracy with company names.


Have certain individuals or companies you don't want to contact? Our blacklist allows us to precisely avoid anyone on LinkedIn, ensuring your current pipeline or previous customers aren't disturbed.

Auto Request Withdrawal

Keeping your LinkedIn account safe is our #1 priority.  Withdrawing outstanding connection requests helps your performance algorithmically, and ensures safety.

Close More Deals, Faster


More effective

LeadCap enables our clients to surpass LinkedIn's connection request limit.

100k +

Decision maker reached

We have likely already been in contact with your ideal prospect. Next time, let’s do it together.


Saved per week

LeadCap averages 16 hours worth of work every week, per account. That’s two full workdays, without lunch, of course.

5+ appts.

More meetings

LeadCap provides customers, on average, with 5 meetings from relevant warm leads every week, completely hands-off.

Start Selling More with Less Effort